Monday, June 13, 2011

Tumbling, Sorting and Grading

We're on day two of our Alpacazonia Fiber Collection Project, since launching this past weekend. Two of us have sorted a total of 48 lbs. Here's our fiberometer, so you can track our progress: 1,952 lbs to go

We're using grading system used by Ruth Elvestad. We made charts to assist us in our sorting. Here, we're sorting short grade 6 fibers. The paper plates on the left were made by Sandra Wallace (set includes all grades) and chart on left was created by Daphne Capaldi:

This is our tumbler in action, with fiber bags in waiting - a section of fiber is tossed into the air by rotation and separator bars inside. Dirt and small debris falls though the screening. I tumble short fiber for about 5 minutes per load.

I'm sorting out of the tumbler...clamped board for working surface, which includes inches marked on edge for quick measuring when needed.

We'll be back in a few days with more updates. Follow us on this journey to fill our first fiber order contract!


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